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May 2024

PetVet365 Team

Clark's Bark

By Dr. Andrea Johnson + Clark

A few Sundays ago I received a text from Dr. Brumley at Brannon Crossing asking me what I knew about a goat C-section. Easy answer. Nothing. To which she replied that she had one on the way and she knew nothing about goats either. This was this goats last resort and it was this or euthanasia (the Kentucky farm type). I immediately thought of Dr. Jessica Abernathy at Eagle Creek and connected them. This was the result:

Momma goat Rosie was saved, the was team thrilled and the client will always be appreciative.

It is true we are not a large animal or farm practice, but we are a group of passionate veterinary professionals who do whatever we can to help pets and their people. This outcome was made possible by sharing our knowledge and areas of expertise with each other in a safe, non-judgemental way.

How do we do more of that? How do we stay connected outside our hospitals and pods for the good of ourselves and the pets we serve?

We have the 411/911 and all hospital groups which are so supportive and engaging. Is every one added and participating? If you are not, speak up. This is a great way to get goat advice, Hippo advice, share your personal wins, your best ever, or the tasty pup cup recipe you invented. This is how we all get better and get to know each other. 

Do all of the doctors know about the DVM skills match sheet? This is a live document that lists those who are looking to learn a skill/surgery/procedure and those who are looking to teach it. When something is happening in your hospital, reach out to who wants to learn it. If you have a chance to schedule something, reach out to see who can come help you learn (Suellen Wardell is great at this!). Think of how many more pets can get help when these advanced procedures can be done by the doctors that the pets trust.  Its always fun to learn and grow.

How do we expand this idea? More group chats for techs, CSR’s, Penn Foster students, etc?  

Sharing our successes and struggles is such a vital part of who we are. If we can figure out a goat C-section on a Sunday afternoon, the routine stuff should be a piece of cake! Let Clark and I know your ideas for more connections, sharing and creating a bigger brain that is good for all. Also if you need to neuter a possum, Dr. Mills is the go-to.


PetVet365 University Tidbit: Pain Scales

By Mercy Wemhoff, RVT and Project Manager

The PetVet365 University is an excellent training tool and lifelong reference. It is interactive, uses pawprints to check off items, tracks and awards achievements, and even asks if there are any suggestions for improvement at the end of modules. Attention to patient comfort is reinforced throughout the University. 

The Fear Free Practice Certification requires documentation of both the FAS and pain score for every patient in the medical record. Pain and fear overlap and one may even intensify the other. One may tell before touching an animal that they may be fearful or in pain, and the University explains these signs, as well as the difference between Acute and Chronic pain.

The Vet Tech/Assistant II course includes the CSU pain scales pictures and descriptions of psychological behavioral responses to physical palpation assessments. The canine Acute Pain scale ranges from (0) “Comfortable and Nontender" to (4) “Crying, difficult to distract from the pain.” Initial observation from a distance is recommended. Clients may also bring videos of their pet’s behavior.

Why: Throughout the University, we are reminded why we do what we do. For today’s tidbit, may we all be empowered to stop and reassess how we are managing our patients’ pain and/or fear as a team.


Community Engagement Tip from Clermont

Dr. Gifford from PetVet365 Clermont put together some fantastic frozen treat packs to hand out in the area and at local restaurants. This is a fun way to engage with your local community this summer!


PTO Policy Clarification

In the event a team member requires time off, after manager approval, the absence may be taken as PTO or unpaid time. PTO may also be used during a leave of absence or to supplement short term disability benefit payments by contacting the payroll department.


Securian 401k Plans Transition to The Standard

All 401k retirement accounts have moved to The Standard (previously called Securian)!

You can manage your account online to review your balance, check your investments, update your beneficiary and learn about financial topics.

To register: visit , select “Create an Account”, select “My Retirement Plan”, then select “Create an Account”. You must register with a new username and password. Your old login information did not transfer. But your account balance did! Contact Standard with questions at 800-858-5420.  (You should have also received an email from The Standard with info as well!)

Need more help? Follow these written instructions or watch this registration video.  


DEA Drug Log Tip

Dr. Kyra Broomfield from Hyde Park has a tip to make it easy to fill out the DEA drug log without writing by hand:

For the Cage Card:

Reports -> Client Forms -> Cage Card -> Print to dymo

For the Drug Book Slip:

  1. Create a Google doc with the page dimensions of your dymo label.

  2. Add one line of text with Last Name, Patient Name, ID Number.

  3. Duplicate it as many times as needed.

  4. Change the line spacing to 1.5 and print through dymo.

  5. Cut to size and then stick it in the drug book!


Fear Free Tip of the Month

Submitted by Dr. Amy Voss

Did you know fear, anxiety, stress, and pain are intimately related? The part of the brain that registers pain is the thalamus and on either side of the thalamus is the limbic system, which is responsible for registering emotion like fear, anxiety, and stress. They communicate with each other sending signals back and forth along the thalamic-limbic pathway. This is why painful dogs can become so fearful and anxious. This occurs in acute pain states like injuries, trauma, and surgical procedures; as well as chronic pain states like osteoarthritis. The best thing we can do is recognize and treat all painful states in our patients. Take a peek at the 2022 AAHA Pain Management Guide for a quick review of all the tools we have at our disposal.  


Head to Tails with Dr. Genine Ervin-Smith

Role: PetVet365 Dallas-Fort Worth Pod Leader

Tell us about your pets: Ryleigh and Rosie (4-legged nieces)


Best Thing about PetVet365: Transparency and freedom

What do you do daily that brings you joy: Read my 365-day devotional to get my day started


Favorite indulgence: Vacations on a beach


What do you want people to know about you: I'm the team cheerleader

Something you would like to give to others: Peace


Head to Tails with Jordan Hyden

Role: Regional Practice Manager - CVG Pod

Tell us about your pets: I have two dogs and two cats. Berkley, the perpetual puppy is 12 years old and always bouncing around looking for pets; Nadia, is a 148-pound sweetheart of a St. Bernard; Shrimpy, our mysterious black cat who’s always lurking in the shadows; and Scampi aka Chunky, the spicy orange boy, is our troublemaker who keeps everyone on their toes.


Best Thing about PetVet365: I'm thrilled by the growth and teamwork at this company! It's awesome to see how PetVet365 is all about cheering people on as they step into their small business journey, equipping them with the tools to thrive while making a positive impact on their communities. The growth factor at PetVet365 is also super exciting—it's evident that we're hitting the nail on the head!


What do you do daily that brings you joy: Cooking and home projects are my sources of joy: I love just putting on an audiobook while I'm in the kitchen, cooking up delicious meals for my husband and I!


Favorite indulgence: I revel in various projects around the house. I always find it fun to bring new ideas to life. Ask me about my Harry Potter Bathroom!


What do you want people to know about you: I'm a mix of adventure and relaxation. I love traveling as much as I enjoy hanging out at home. I find happiness in paddle boarding down the river or just chilling on the couch with my cats, watching Love Island. I’m also always up for a vacation, especially when I'm surrounded by good company!

Something you would like to give to others: I'd like to spread kindness and knowledge with others, whether through shared experiences, offering support, or simply being a positive presence in their lives. I just want to make a meaningful impact and embrace empathy and understanding in interactions with others.


Open Forums

Don’t forget about our Monthly Open Forums. These are 30-minute calls scheduled every month for you to ask all of your questions and provide feedback. Upcoming Topics:

  • June: Training / Education

  • July: Fear Free - NEW! This is for hospitals that are working through their Fear Free certification

  • August: Recruiting



Eagle Creek Opened!

Dr. Jeffrey Mills & Dr. Jessica Abernathy

Colerain was named "Best Vet" in Western Cincinnati!

Congratulations to Dr. Brumley on being a finalist for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Veterinarian of the Year!

Congratulations to Dr. Juliana Kluger on being nominated for Trupanion's Veterinarian of the Year!

Winner of the April Social Trends contest was Cool Creek!

Check out their video of a pup enjoying peanut butter here.

15Five Wins

331 High Fives were given out in the first 20 days of May. That's over 100 every week! Keep up the great work and keep celebrating each other!


Quote of the Month

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